Commencement is an extremely busy time on campus and in the surrounding community. The university will welcome approximately 30,000 guests for activities and celebrations. To accommodate our graduates and families, parking on Monday, June 16, will be at Autzen Stadium. Parking is limited, and on a first-come, first-served basis. Parking lots at the stadium will open at 6:30 a.m. To help minimize the impacts of traffic, guests and graduates are strongly encouraged to carpool or ride share to the stadium.
If guests plan to attend the University Commencement Ceremony and need ADA parking accommodations, please drive to Autzen Stadium and utilize the ADA parking at the stadium. Shuttles will not be running from the main UO campus to Autzen Stadium prior to the University Commencement Ceremony.
June 16 is a regular business day on campus. There will be no public parking available on campus other than those with designated ADA placards/plates. Designated ADA parking for those with ADA placards/plates will be in Lot 37 next to Matthew Knight Arena and only a limited number of spaces will be available in the 13th Avenue parking garage.
Parking zones and time limits in the neighborhoods adjacent to campus vary. Please pay attention to all posted signs and placards if parking in the surrounding neighborhoods. The City of Eugene has an interactive parking map available to view.
Access Shuttle
On Sunday, June 15, and Monday, June 16, there will be an access shuttle operating on campus for those with conditions that impact mobility. See the map below for the on-campus route. Please note, this shuttle runs only on campus and does not run to or from Autzen Stadium.
On Monday, June 16, immediately following the conclusion of the University Commencement Ceremony, free shuttle buses will transport guests from Autzen Stadium to campus where they will make four stops around campus—Matthew Knight Arena, Global Scholars Hall, Frohnmayer Music Building, and the Knight Library—and then return to Autzen Stadium. Shuttles will run continuously throughout the day on Monday, June 16. The last shuttle from campus to Autzen will be at 7:00 p.m.
Graduates and guests are strongly encouraged to park at Autzen Stadium and utilize the shuttles to travel to the main campus. Any vehicle parked in an on-campus lot on Monday, June 16, without a valid permit may be cited.
On Sunday, June 15, all school and department ceremonies will be held on campus. There will be no shuttles operating and parking will not be permitted at Autzen Stadium.